FREE 4-Week Digitial Photography Course

4wk-photo-course-520pxCame across a link to this course on dpchallenge today — looks like a great class, and you certainly can’t beat the price!  It’s being taught by John Greengo from the PBS series Art Wolfe’s Travels to the Edge.

Classes are scheduled as follows:

July 15: Week 1 – Overview. Life of a World Traveling Photographer.
July 22: Week 2 – Your Camera.
July 29: Week 3 – Your Technique.
Aug 5: Week 4 – Composition Secrets.

Start time each day is 1800Z, which for those of you who are not GMT-savvy:

2PM – Eastern
1PM – Central
12PM – Mountain
11AM – Pacific

More information here. / Sign-up for the class here.

Apache Junction Fireworks – July 4, 2009

[AJ Fireworks]I had the opportunity to photograph the fireworks display in Apache Junction on July 4th, 2009 (sponsored by the City of Apache Junction Parks & Recreation).

Here is a collection of my favorite shots.

DTown TV

DTwon TVI just stumbled across this today (from Matt Kloskowski‘s twitter page of all places)…

DTown TV – The Weekly Show for Nikon DSLR Users With Scott Kelby and Matt Kloskowski

It’s some spiffy-cool stuff.  Just wanted to pass the link along in case it might be new-to-you-too.

It’s not all Nikon-stuff, by the way.  If you’re a fan of Scott and/or Matt’s blogs/books/videos/etc, you’ll probably enjoy it.  A lot of the tips and all of the demos are on Nikon gear, but they discuss information and gadgets that any photographer can use…

Be The Match

Forgive my slight derivation from photography for a moment — I just received a letter via snail-mail today, reminding me to update my donor information with The National Marrow Donor Program.  I’ve been registered with the program since 2004, and was happy to update my information so they can contact me in case I’m a match for someone needing my help.

I encourage you to join the program yourself; it’s quick, it’s easy, and it might save someone’s life.

Lightroom tip – auto-mask

Proper understanding and use of auto-mask may completely change how you make local adjustments in Lightroom.

See this post at Lightroom News for details and a tutorial from Martin Evening.